Ready-to-Use Beekeeping Practices and Training Events Available within the B-THENET Community

Published in: 02 Aug 2024

The National B-THENET Centres, organise easily accessible and free-of-charge training events for beekeepers, advisors, and all interested stakeholders, in their national language. Please visit the B-THENET Events Page for the training events scheduled in each country.

Beekeeping practices are developed over three years, each year focusing on different topics in partner countries: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, and Sweden.

These practices are continuously published on the B-THENET Platform. The topics are as follows:

  • Apiary Set-up/Management, Varroosis (already published)
  • Colony Set-up and Daily Management/Maintenance, American Foulbrood (to be published in January 2025)
  • Record-keeping, Bee Feeding and Watering, European Foulbrood (to be published in October 2025)
  • Routine (Preventive) Hygiene Practices, Nosemosis, Small Hive Beetle, and Vespa velutina (to be published in 2026)

As with every round, for our upcoming October 2025 publications on Record-keeping, Bee Feeding and Watering, and European Foulbrood, we’ve created an online survey. We would be grateful for your input.

Let’s build the B-THENET Community further to create a more thriving apiculture sector!

B-THENET is the first EU-wide network for sustainable beekeeping, providing EU beekeepers and advisors with practical beekeeping solutions and training, co-developed with practising beekeepers and tailored to the respective country. The network includes 18 entities from the apiculture sector, including beekeepers’ associations, research institutes, and universities. We operate 13 National B-THENET Centres across Europe and 3 International Centres to foster the improvement of the beekeeping sector both at national and transnational levels.

Author: Lauriane Mariame IZSLT

B-THENET present at the EU Pollinator Week

Published in: 07 Nov 2023
B-THENET present at the EU Pollinator Week

On the 29th of November, from 13:30 to 15 CET we will be present in an English hybrid event hosted by the European Parliament with the topic of Improving Accessibility of Veterinary Medicinal Products to Beekeepers.

We are announcing the B-THENET Horizon Europe project event on “Supply and Use of Veterinary Medical Products in Beekeeping – Institutional Framework across the EU”, held during the EU Pollinator Week, taking place in the European Parliament.

We will discuss a topic raised directly by the European beekeepers, through a bottom-up initiative: the accessibility and supply of Veterinary Medical Products (VMPs) in beekeeping. We learnt that the different Member States implement the related European legislation in various ways, leading to divergencies in the accessibility to VMPs for the beekeepers, especially accessibility to VMPs to control the Varroa mite.

During the satellite event and its round table session both the possibilities made available by the EU legislative framework as regards accessibility of VMPs to beekeepers and national/regional implementation including the legal status of supply (Prescription-Only or non) as well as the resulting experience and good practices pointing toward a possible EU-wide harmonisation will be discussed.

We will keep you updated as regards the localization and the meeting link of the satellite event.

Stay tuned for more news!