National B-THENET Centre Slovenia is managed by the Slovenian Beekeepers` Association. The association unites 212 beekeeping societies and regional beekeeping associations. The main mission of the SBA is to help beekeepers, which is why it publishes the monthly magazine »Slovenski čebelar« and conducts numerous trainings (lectures, seminars, workshops…).

In addition, it participates in the preparation of various legislation in the field of beekeeping and performs the tasks of the Public Advisory Service in beekeeping. In addition, the SBA has the status of a recognized breeding organisation within the framework of which tasks from the approved breeding program are carried out.


The National B-THENET Centre Spain is located inside the University Complutense de Madrid´s teaching farm. The Centre consists of an educational-archive and a beekeeping material and instruments showroom, which is open for students and visitors.

Nearby there is an accessible apiary also with teaching purposes. Practical and theoretical Beekeeping lectures will be taught in both locations.


The National B-THENET Centre Sweden is established at Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet in Uppsala. There will be the main training apiary. The centre will have regional apiary hubs spread across the country which will be developed during the project timeline.